Posted on: 24 November 2020
In the run up to Christmas and birthdays, we often get asked about bags as presents. While it’s impossible to give precise help, this should act as a good guide for you to be able to buy a bag from us over the phone or online.

Types of Bags
There are two main categories of bag – wheelie bags and duffle bags. Wheelie bags have wheels (obviously) and are pulled around. Duffle bags are carried on the back. In general, junior players will tend to use wheelies and senior players duffles – about two thirds is the rough proportion. A notable exception in seniors are wicket keepers. Keepers tend to have a lot of kit so most will use a large wheelie bag.

Junior Cricket Bags
For juniors, it’s the size of the batting pads that dictates the size of the bag that’s needed. Generally, kids of 11 and below will be using junior or small junior pads, and these will fit into the smaller wheelie bags like the Kookaburra 5.0 Wheelie Bag or the Gray Nicolls GN100 Wheelie Bag. Juniors aged 12 and above are likely to be in youth pads, which need a larger junior wheelie bag like the Kookaburra 4.0 Wheelie Bag or the GM 707 Wheelie Bag. This size of bag should last them until they move into adult kit sizes.
The same is true with duffle bags; small juniors (roughly ages 9-10) can use a bag like the Kookaburra d5 Duffle, whereas older juniors (11-14) should use a larger one like the GM 707 Duffle.
As stated above, for seniors, it’s a safer bet to buy a duffle bag for them. Generally, the more expensive the bag, the better material it will be made out of – and, more pertinently, the more pockets and features it will have. The Kookaburra Pro Duffle, for instance, has a pocket on each side of the bag for batting pads. This keeps the bag rigid and upstanding, as well as allowing you to fit more kit inside.

Senior Cricket Bags
Senior duffle bags tend to be between £50 and £90 – unless you go for a wheelie duffle, which will be around £100. The wheelie duffle combines the benefits of both types of bag, but are pretty heavy so should be avoided for younger players.
If you would like to spend around £50, then the GM 808 Duffle or the New Balance DC1080 Duffle Bag are very good choices. In the £70 area, then the GM Original Duffle or the Gray Nicolls Prestige Duffles are popular. In the top price bracket, the Gray Nicolls Legend Duffle and the Kookaburra Pro Duffle are our best sellers.
If you’re planning on buying a wheelie bag, there are plenty of options. If the player has a lot of kit, then a bag like the GM Easi-Load Wheelie is a big, good quality, simple choice. Someone with less gear would be able to use a smaller bag like the Gray Nicolls Prestige or the Kookaburra Pro 2.0 Wheelie.

Important to Remember!
It’s also definitely worthwhile considering how big the person’s car boot is – trying to fit a Kookaburra Pro Players Wheelie into a Corsa is not easy!
Of course if you’re still not sure, our gift vouchers are always a good option.
We hope that this information is useful. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch at